Penguin Origins Help

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Quick Keys

There are many short cuts to communicate by emotes and actions. To use the short cuts, or quick keys, make sure to click outside of the text box at the bottom.

Some quick keys are:

e1 = Laughing face
e2 = Smiley
e3 = Straight face
e4 = Frown
e5 = Surprise
e6 = Sticking out tongue
e7 = Wink
e8 = Green sickly face
e9 = Red angry face
e0 = Sad face
ef = Flower
eg = Game
eh = Heart
el = Good Luck
ec = Coffee cup
es = Skull
! = Big exclamation mark
? = Big question mark
s = sit (use arrow keys to change directions)
d = dance
w = wave



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